Periodontal Treatment
If you have ever been diagnosed with periodontal (gum) disease, the good news is that it often can be treated successfully.
The first nonsurgical step usually involves a special cleaning, called "scaling and root planing". This cleaning removes plaque and tartar deposits on the tooth and root surfaces. This procedure helps gum tissue to heal and periodontal pockets to shrink. When periodontal pocketsdo not heal after scaling and root planing, surgery may be needed to better remove infamed tissues and reduce the damage to the bone that has formed around the teeth. As the pockets enlarge, they provide a greater place for bacteria to live and attack the bone and tissue. Surgery allows access to hard to reach areas under the gum and along the roots where tartar and plaque have accumulated. Eliminating this bacterial stronghold and regenerating bone and tissue help to reduce pockets and repair damgage caused by the progressing disease. You don't have to lose teeth to periodontal diseases. Brush, clean between your teeth, eat a balanced diet, avoid tobacco and schedule regular dental visits for a lifetime of healthy smiles.
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